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Organize Your Reusable Content

In Confluence, create a rich collection of reusable content. This is known as an Include Library, made up of one or more spaces containing reusable content items.

An Include Library is made up of one or more spaces containing reusable content items like text, images, diagrams, and so on. Each piece of content in the Include Library lives on an individual page, these pages are organized strategically for easy content identification. Think of the Include Library as one or more library shelves containing the content you reuse throughout your documentation.

Library Structure

Within an Include Library, the structure of the documentation is typically made up of two different types of pages. Both page types are essentially just Confluence pages, but with a unique combination of naming, organization, and page contents.

The two Include Library page types are:


A resource is a page containing a reusable piece of content.

Resource with text for a user task


A collection is a page with one or more related resource pages or sub-collections as child pages.

Collection of text related to user tasks

Page Organization

When organizing the structure of a space that’s part of your Include Library, the highest hierarchy level is typically made up of collections. These collections of technical documentation contain child resources or sub-collections.


You can also use Labels for additional organization and sorting within your Include Library.

Naming Convention

Using a simple and consistent naming scheme, the spaces and pages that make up the Include Library are easy to identify and organize. Find a naming scheme that makes sense to the whole team which can be used for any resource type and can be easily organized. Great naming schemes are often hierarchical and descriptive.

To help the team identify content in the Include Library and obscure it from users, the title of a space or page within your Include Library should begin with an underscore (_).

Learn how to  create an Include Library space in Confluence.


To help your team quickly add content to your Include Library space(s), create templates for resource and collection pages of your technical documentation.


Your resource page template should be relatively blank, since team members will add different types of content on this type of page. In your template, be sure to add:

  • A generic page title that acts as a template for your page naming scheme.

  • Instructional text that gives guidance or calls out standards for creating different types of resources.



The collection page template will most likely not have any content added to it, and should act as an informational page displaying child resources and sub-collections. In your template, add:

  • A generic page title that acts as a template for your page naming scheme.

  • Create from Template macro with the button text "Add a Collection". Team members can click this button to add a child sub-collection using the collection page template.

  • Create from Template macro with the button text "Add a Resource". Team members can click this button to add a child resource using the resource page template.


Learn more about  creating templates in Confluence.

Adding Content

As you create resource pages in your Include Library, keep in mind that the way content displays on the page is exactly the same way it will display on any page including that content. To ensure your content looks its best when reused:

  • Remove all line breaks, especially at the bottom of the page. The  Confluence Source Editor is a great app for this.

  • Be careful what heading level you use in the content, since it may be included on a page with existing headings.

If you feel like the content you're creating needs headings, consider breaking it up further into smaller pieces so it's more reusable.

  • Set image dimensions, alignment, and alt text

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Use the Excerpt Macro in Confluence to mark a portion of content on a page for reuse. This feature is best formarking short descriptions. The short description is a paragraph describing what a page is about and is meant to help users understand quickly if the content is helpful to them.

Steffen Burzlaff Steffen Burzlaff

Once you’ve added content as Page Excerpts or within your Include Library, use macros to include that content in your documentation.

Steffen Burzlaff Steffen Burzlaff
Reuse Your Content

If you use Scroll Versions for Confluence Server or Data Center, you can manage an include library with multiple versions and languages.

Steffen Burzlaff Steffen Burzlaff
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