Hiding Confluence Content
When you only want to display the appropriate variant for a given user, you can use content hiding macros on your Confluence page.

For example, this can be a great option if you have a help center where users have to log in, like to access for internal documentation. By using a content hiding macro, you can define your required conditions and choose exactly what content to display to certain users.
For this approach, you can enter any varying content within one or more content hiding macros on a page and then set each macro to only display for certain users. If users log in, you can filter on the user’s profile or permissions.
To control the content displayed on your Confluence pages, you can make your own user macro that hides content or search for a macro on the Atlassian Marketplace, like Visibility for Confluence.
You can also take a look at this Atlassian Community thread for some examples of how other users have used macros to hide Confluence content on their pages.
Keep in Mind
This won’t work if you export content for publishing, since content for all variations will display.
You can’t hide entire pages that are part of a variant.
All users must log into your help center and have profiles or permissions that indicate the content variant they want to see, for your conditional content to work.
User licenses for additional macros may include a recurring cost.